Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 Time Reflection

Our experience with the 20 Time Project was overall a pretty successful and eye-opening experience. Although we didn’t get to accomplish all that we had hoped for, we did come up with some beneficial results. In the beginning, we struggled to come up with a topic that we were really interested and passionate about. Finally, we thought of the number one problem that needed to be fixed in high schools all over the country. Stress.
         Our idea was to research the most known and used methods to cope with stress and apply them to a couple of students to see which methods actually worked, and which ones didn’t. We challenged ourselves by setting goals that are not easy to achieve such as having good time management and dealing with outcomes that were not precise and accurate. We chose these challenges because we knew that it we would have to deal with it in all aspects of life. We had to compromise and use our judgment when results weren’t 100% accurate and precise as well as make sure that we were getting things done following our schedule.
         Our main goal was to find the top method that can be used to deal with stress, but we also had many small goals along the way. Everyday, we see so many kids stressed out including ourselves, whether if they have a test, or it is just a bad day. We want to be able to spread awareness about our experiment and how even just one five minute walk or some fresh air can really lower one’s stress level. Another goal of ours, even though we are not sure we are going to accomplish it, is for at least 30 people in our grade to try one of the techniques we saw had good results.
         Overall, for the past 3 months, the experience was one to remember. Even though we had some challenges, the best part was overcoming them and finding a way around them. It helped teach us how to communicate better and be more organized. If we had a chance to do this project differently, we would try to have better time management and maybe go more in depth with our experiments. Our next step would be to share our findings with others and spread awareness. We are going to tell our friends to tell other friends and have everyone try some of the methods we researched and experimented on at least once.