Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Methods for Dealing with Stress

20 Time is a project made for students to take 20% of their class time to expand their knowledge on a subject that interests them. Students have a chance to be passionate about what they are learning about. This allows them to enjoy class more and therefore learn more. The essential question that we asked was which techniques can help cope with stress the most and which tips help the least or maybe not at all. We, as students in Mr.Orre’s Biology Class, have decided to conduct an experiment to show which ideas help deal with stress the most. We would have a group of students use a method to help deal with stress that we have given them. One week they would try one technique, and the week following that they would not use any methods and just go on with their week as they normally would. They would then rate on a scale of one to ten how well the technique worked. The next week they would try a new method, and the cycle continues. At the very end, they would make a list ordering all the techniques from what they thought worked best to the ones that worked least. We chose this topic because we know high school students can be extremely stressed due to the pressure of getting good grades, balancing extracurricular activities, and maintaining a social life. This result of this project would show which tips help deal with stress the most and which tips help deal with stress the least. One of our goals is for us to use some of these tips all throughout life when we feel that we are extremely stressed or just feeling anxious in general. Another goal for this project is to encourage others to use these tips in their everyday life and share them with other people so that everyone will be better educated when it comes to stress and how to cope with it. We will measure our progress by checking in every week with our experimental group and taking polls of which tip helped them the most and least. Our plan moving forward is to create an experimental group of about five people, research techniques to share with our group, and record/analyze our data that we gather.


  1. I like the fact that you guys are tackling stress as that is apparent in many high school students today. One thing that you could add to your end goal is that you could create a list of different techniques to help calm your stress in different scenarios. One question that I have is, what are the different techniques that you are going to test?
    -Akshat Patwardhan

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  3. I think the topic of stress is a really good idea to focus on especially since many of us at Saratoga feel it. Some questions I have are what are the different methods you are going to use? Also, how many students are you going to try this on?
    -Esha L.

  4. I think that your topic is a great area to focus on because a lot of students suffer from this. Another thing you could do is to test what kind of people stress out more than other, Ex. this king of personality type is more stressed in situations like.... One question I have is how will you educate people?
