Monday, March 14, 2016

The First Step: Researching Ideas

Our topic for 20 time surrounds the idea of coping with stress. Over the past two weeks we have been researching some methods that could be possible candidates for our experiment. From our research, we have gained knowledge on the do’s and don’t’s when it comes to dealing with stress and some common signs/symptoms of people that are stressed out. We created a chart listing common techniques that are said to work  The definition of stress is the tension added into your life by demanding circumstances. Throughout the two weeks we have learned some of the smallest changes can create a huge difference in our lifestyles. A couple of setbacks were finding people to try out the methods we had researched on. Most of them have busy schedules, therefore they were not willing to participate in this experiment. We fixed this problem by asking people with a less intense schedule to take the time to try and become less stressed. For the next two weeks we will start to apply these techniques and analyze how the group of students felt throughout the process. What we have learned can impact our community by relieving stress caused by anything from a busy week to an intense work day. Many high school students these days have a lot on their plates and the information gathered from this project could really be helpful in many ways. These research methods can help change the way adults and students so that they can lead their life in a happier direction.


  1. Great post Veda and Kaitlyn. I am interested to see which ways are the best for dealing with stress. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great job Veda and Kaitlyn! It looks like you've made a lot of progress on looking at ways to cope with stress and finding people to try these methods on. I think that if you can, you should try and get some people who have busier schedules to participate in your project, because they are likely to be more stressed than people with less busy schedules.

  3. Great job! Looking forward to seeing what methods you come up with. I think you should try and conduct experiments on people who are busier, because then they will be more stressed, so you can see the full extent of your methods. If you make short simple techniques, then people may be more willing to participate and use them when they need them.
